The service has been requested by a triangulation Italy Brazil China to continue the conversation. The article shows how in the field of speculations Comodity there are strong and not everything is clear. The fact remains that we provide consultancy and we are not entrepreneurs.
After a series of triangulations and the exchange of pleasure between friends and a previous visit to the show we managed to get a booth can be provided as a service for people who were part of the delegation of the Italian brasileira chamber of commerce do Nordeste.
Unfortunately I have material to add and comment if not among the guests who attended an industry of mashed bananas.
In addition meetings have occurred and have been expressed interests to which should have been given the investments in this direction.
Of all this work and the expenses incurred, not only we were not renumerati or even thanked and invited.
One wonders how you can get to this point, we must logically take a step back and this, back in September 2006.
That month was the month when I came out as secretary general of the room to begin operative action in Italy, representing the chamber.
There were several problems with the Bureau and at the last meeting in September of 2006 through the extraordinary meeting with the leadership we loose more than 75% of the vote to cancel all the charges, mainly that of the president, who offered no alternative. To see all of those founding members who voted, was not present and operational in one year and after having had his residence and lived in St. Paul ... 2500 km from Recife.
On that occasion had been notified of the provisions on the optimal functioning of the room, its organization and management so as to maximize the services with an annual cost of more than acceptable, I left for the fair MIFLOR of Padua began maneuvers in the former mate out of the working tables.
The former vice president before retiring due to health problems, has done everything to support the president and not to dissolve the leadership of the chamber. Moreover, in an unclear way has proposed a new president, who should have the votes to be.
So in light of this situation of abnormal behavior, it would seem normal to use the service stand at the fair, invite 12 people for several days and not having anything to someone who has taken everything.
Even this experience as it may seem negative left his teachings, or that it is not only the operator who already has done in his time with the methodologies of the last century.
From this experience he started a path for the creation of the development Nordeste Brazil
PS. I can now say who organized the delegation is no longer operating in the room and did not achieve any objective of investment for the industry in question. Having invested, created, organized, and developed the room supoortato this behavior was ungenerous, especially by those who had not been present at the meetings made.
The success in the medium term in this industry comes only with proper training and uniquely eclectic and hard work with market participants.